
EXO Nutri Power 30 capsules

Supports Gut Microbiome

Stimulates Collagen Production

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SKU: SUP 10006 Tags:

It is a unique dietary supplement that not only delays the aging process, but also exerts a prebiotic effect by regulating the gut microbiome and enhancing immunity. It contains a freeze-dried extract of red orange, pomegranate, grape, mandarin, papaya and chicory, including 10 trillion exosomes in one capsule. It promotes regeneration, collagen production, and mitigates mitochondrial oxidative damage, preventing cellular energy depletion.


  • lyophilised extract of kiwi, papaya, red orange, white orange, lemon
  • supports the gut microbiome
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
  • enhances skin regeneration
  • supports the immune system
  • protects the skin against oxidative stress


  • has a prebiotic effect on the gut microflora and thus positively influences the immunity of the whole body
  • protects the gut microbiome against adverse effects of the external environment


  • supports the maintenance of skin, hair and nails in good condition
  • protects cells against oxidative stress
  • contibutes to normal macronutrient metabolism